Monday, September 9, 2013

Plot and Structure Literacy Terms

1. Exposition – Introduces the story and tells what brought it to the current point
2. Rising Action – Where the action starts. The part of the plot that sets the story in motion.
3. Climax – Most interesting and suspenseful part of the entire story.
4. Falling Action – After the climax, action that leads toward resolution.
5. Resolution – The ending of the story. The thing that generally solves the problem/conflict.
6. Conflict (include different types) – External – the problem is between a character and himself. Internal – the problem is between several characters, things, etc. Conflict is the problem.
7. Protagonist – the good guy
8. Antagonist – the bad guy
9. Flashback – recalling previous details to add suspense/detailing to the story
10. In medias res – in the middle of things. Something basically happens while several other things are happening

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