Sunday, February 9, 2014

Taming of the Shrew Acts 2 and 3

1. How does Petruchio "tame" Kate? Consider how he seems to define their roles.

Petruchio "tames"Kate by getting into her head. Everything insulting she would say to him, he would turn into something romantic and respond in that manner. He outwitted her, basically. He saw it as his job to be wittier, to twist her words and get inside of her head and "tame" her.

2. How does Katherine act in the scenes where she says little or nothing? For example, in Act 2, scene 1, how does Katherine behave when Petruchio reports on his success in wooing Kate and in their plans for marriage? Because the text provides little explanation, you must decide how she would act based on your interpretation of her character from previous scenes.

I think Katherine is acting rather careless about the whole thing. She doesn't think it's right for her father to force her to marry someone whom she just met and whom is obviously playing a part to get something out of her. She knows he doesn't love her, as they just met, and she knows he wants something. Most likely money. However, I think she does like him maybe just slightly. He's witty and sharp tongued just like she is, which I believe is something that would draw her to him.

3. Imagine viewing this play in the Elizabethan era. Identify 4 moments of comedy.

  • The conversation between Kate and Petruchio is comedic because of the insults they sling at each other and the way Petruchio twists her words so easily.
  • Petruchio showing up crazily dressed to his own wedding was comedic because it's just so completely opposite of how he was expected to dress, and he was probably planning on a hasty exit. 
  • When Bianca begins to translate and says things along the lines of "I don't know you" and "I don't trust you" in response to Hortensio telling her he loves her is purely comedic. 
  •  The argument at the wedding is comedic because of the way that Petruchio says he is pretty much honored, not to stay with Katherine, but to leave anyway.
4. Disguise is a major theme in TotS. What famous Bible story involves deceit and disguise?

[I honestly have no idea at the moment and will fill this answer in when I think of it.]

The story of Jacob and Esau is full of deceit and disguise.


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