Wednesday, October 30, 2013

1st 9 Weeks Reflection

  • What have you learned about English/Literature over the past 9 weeks?

    I've learned quite a bit about characterizations and keeping my essays consistent with the topic at hand. I've learned that essays really are easier and more organized if an outline is used, though I'm really too stubborn to actually do them every time I write. I've learned that in stories, everything relates back to one central point - everything relates back to the overall meaning of the work as a whole.
  • What have you learned about your classmates?

    I learned that I have a lot in common with a couple of them, particularly KJ. I never would've thought she and I had so much in common, but we do. I've learned that everyone is struggling with something, and though my problems take control of my life, I need to realize that I'm not the only person hurting.
  • What have you learned about life?

    I've learned that life is unpredictable and that anything can happen. I've also learned that it is possible to let agony and suffering drag you into a labyrinth that it's really hard to get out of. But if you have the right kind of people surrounding you and the right kind of attitude, you can conquer the labyrinth and you can conquer anything you're up against.
  • Did you enjoy the novel unit (Perks of Being a Wallflower and Looking for Alaska)? Would you recommend I use those two novels next year? What assignments changes would you make (if any)?

    I really enjoyed the novel unit. I loved how we covered characters, theme, and the general parts of literature throughout reading the novels, and I really liked learning about the different characters. I definitely think you should use these two next year because they're really good ways of covering everything you were teaching at the time. I would have them write a letter from another character's point of view, to Charlie. Maybe it would be interesting!
  • What should I change for next year's class?

    Maybe try to make family circle more.. fun? Or completely do away with it. I know I hate it, and some of my friends do, too. Also, if you do group projects next year, have each group evaluate its members because there's been a lot of people taking credit for things they had no hand in doing.
  • What area of the AP Exam do you feel that you need to work on the most?I think I really need to work on my speed, and that's really it.

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